FROG® @ease® for Bullfrog Spas® vs dichlor profit comparison


How many spa customers do you have?
What is the average retail price you charge for dichlor?

(For example, If you sell 2 lb. containers for $19.99, input $19.99 here. If you sell different sizes, pick your most commonly sold size).
What is your average cost for dichlor?

(For example, if you pay $10 for that 2lb. of dichlor, input $10 here).
How many times per year does your customer make that purchase?
What do you believe your retention rate is with your dichlor spa customers?
What is the retail price for the FROG @ease for Bullfrog Spas Sanitizing System?

(Bullfrog Spas MSRP)
What is the retail price for the FROG @ease for Bullfrog Spas SmartChlor Cartridge 3 pack?

(Bullfrog Spas MSRP)
What is your cost for the FROG @ease for Bullfrog Spas Sanitizing System?

(Bullfrog Spas suggested Dealer price).
What is your cost for the FROG @ease for Bullfrog Spas SmartChlor Cartridge 3 pack?

(Bullfrog Spas suggested Dealer price).
How many times per year will your customer purchase the FROG @ease for Bullfrog Spas Floating Sanitizing System?

(FROG @ease for Bullfrog Spas system should be replaced every 4 months)
How many times per year will your customer purchase FROG @ease for Bullfrog Spas SmartChlor Cartridge 3 pack?

(FROG @ease for Bullfrog Spas SmartChlor Cartridges should be replaced every 3-4 weeks, each 3 pack will last 9-12 weeks.)
What percentage of your FROG @ease for Bullfrog Spas customers will continue to use this system?
Dealer Name
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